HT Games

How to Use Half-Life: Counter Strike Cheats

"Half-Life: Counter Strike" is a popular online game. It requires teamwork as well as fast thinking in order for your player to survive. New cheats come into being every day. Here are some to get you started. You need to set up some of these cheats on the server in order for them to be effective.


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      Bind keys so you can use them as shortcuts. Go into the "Configuration" screen. Use left-hand keys for binding and set the mouse for shooting. The program comes with recommended configuration, but you can change it.

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      Use other activation codes and bind them to keys you didn't use when configuring your program. Type "bind v impulse 101" to bind he "$16,000" code to the "v" key. Continue binding other cheat codes to various keys.

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      Kill enemies without moving. Press "~" then type "sv_gravity 0." Once the enemy jumps, type "sv_gravity 999."

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      Increase your speed with these cheats. Type "cl_forwardspeed 999" to move forward faster. "Cl_backspeed 999" gives you faster backward motion. And "cl_sidespeed 999" increases your side-to-side motion.

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      Change the skin code of your "Half-Life: Counter Strike" player. Type "skin [skin name]" to make the switch. Within the brackets change the skin name. You may need to use quotes. The skin name codes to use are sas, gsg9, seal, terror, arab, guerrilla, arctic, vip and hostage.

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      Type "give [weapon name]" and list the weapon in brackets. You receive that weapon for use in the your "Half-Life: Counter Strike" game.

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      Remember that you many have to change some of these codes from the server in order for them to work. Type "sv_cheats 1" to enable this function. © HT Games