HT Games

How to Use Game Cheats for Animal Crossing

Normally played on the Nintendo GameCube, Animal Crossing is a video game belonging to the genre known as "life simulators." The object of the game is to increase the size of your house so it gets as large as possible. This is accomplished by making house expansions to store the items and furniture you acquire during game play, though Animal Crossing has very little in the way of set-in-stone tasks and objectives.


  1. Unlock Secrets and Use Cheats in Animal Crossing

    • 1

      Learn the codes that will prompt Tom Nook to give you cherries or oranges. The cheats are as follows: enter "NYVkmM6NYY7sJFmCUmtU9cuCh" to gain a cherry from Tom Nook and enter "exrQkk9XofYWLzCROgdCKb&IV5Tw" to get an orange from him.

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      Dig a hole with a normal shovel and bury it. When a golden sapling tree appears, you can then get a golden shovel that will help you find more valuable items when you dig.

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      Dig up a glowing spot to find a money bag. Plant the money bag in the hole where you found it, and wait a few days for the golden tree to mature. Once it does, you'll be able to shake money out of it. This cheat is informally known as the "Money Tree."

    • 4

      Use the ancient art of Feng Shui to improve your luck in acquiring money and items. Putting all your red belongings in the east wing of your house will give you better luck in getting items. Placing your yellow property in the west wing will give you better money luck. Finally, keep your green in the south and your orange in the north--these cheats will give you better luck in both money and items.

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      Catch one of every different type of bug in the game to gain access to the Golden Bug Net. This item will make it much easier for you to keep destructive bugs out of and away from your house and belongings.

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      Get your hands on the unbreakable Golden Axe, which can cut down any tree. To do so, keep the village in flawless condition for any uninterrupted two-week period. At the end of the fortnight, you'll be presented with the Golden Axe. © HT Games