HT Games

How to Use Game Cheats for Tamagotchi Town

Available for the Super Nintendo (SNES) video game system, Tamagotchi Town can also be played on an interactive Micromedia Flash-based website. The game centers on collecting prizes and items while you're in "town," and it is also compatible with both the V3 and V4 handheld electronic entertainment devices. Read on to learn more.


  1. Work Your Way Through Tamagotchi Town With Cheats

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      Donate money to the king to have him lift your cap on points. While the most points you can accumulate in regular play is 9,999, you should be able to get more by paying off the royalty.

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      Take it easy on the food. Overfeeding your Tamagotchi will inhibit its ability to accrue points.

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      Get a present from Santa Claus by setting the date to December 24 and the time to 10:29 pm. After one minute elapses, Santa will appear bearing a gift, which might turn out to be very valuable. However, some users report that this cheat only works with the V2 version of the game.

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      Grow older by one year every night. Play any four Tamagotchi games, then turn off the lights when your character goes to sleep. In the morning, your character should have grown by one year.

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      Use cheats in the Tamagotchi Town shop. Begin by pressing the "A" button (or its equivalent on the system you're playing) 4 times in rapid succession to put a look of surprise on the shop owner's face. Then, use these cheats to have the shopkeeper give you items: ABBAACBA for cake, BCABACBC for steak, CBACCABC for a clock, AABBCACB for a remote control car, CACABABC for a stuffed animal, BCBCCABA for a love potion and ACBBBACC to get gel for your hair.

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      Get a Golden Tamagotchi using this password: 05689 66559. Many users have reported that this password works for them every time, regardless of the user name they're playing under.

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      Use hints and tricks to make your game play even easier. A long list of passwords and hints for more efficient play can be found at (see Resources below). © HT Games