Make it work
Press the enter button to bring up the chat window, then type in any of the cheats listed in the next section. If you typed it correctly, "cheat enabled!" will appear in the lower left hand corner. To disable the cheat, just type it in again. Cheats only work in single-player mode. You can't use them when you're competing.
Type "whosyourdaddy" to make your troops and buildings invincible. With his help, you can kill enemy units in a single hit!
Type "keysersoze #" to have the number of gold pieces you enter.
Type "leafittome #" to have the amount of wood you enter.
Type "warpten" to make your peasants/peons/wisps build structures at super speed!
Type "allyourbasearebelongtous" to give you an instant victory!
Type "iseedeadpeople" to reveal the entire map and remove the fog of war. This is useful for finding some of the little "easter eggs" the developers hid here and there.
Type "sharpandshiny" to bump all your upgrades up one level.
Type "thedudeabides" to remove the cool-down time from your hero's spells.
Type "pointbreak" to remove the food limit so you can build lots of units without farms.
Type "strengthandhonor" so you cannot loose!
Type "thereisnospoon" to give your units unlimited mana!
Funky Cheats
Type "itvexesme" so you cannot win!
Type "iocainepowder " to make your units die really quickly.
Type "somebodysetusupthebomb" to instantly loose.