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Cheats for Chaos Black Action Replay

"Pokémon" has enjoyed popularity in a large variety of outlets, and its availability in the online gaming world continues to run strong. The game franchise includes many titles available on different platforms. One popular game available on Gameboy Advance and Nintendo DS systems is called "Pokémon FireRed." This game, along with "Pokémon LeafGreen," was influential in the creation of "Pokémon Chaos Black," which is basically a hack taken from the two games' source code.
  1. Cheats

    • Almost any video game out there uses game cheats, either those put in by the game designers or those discovered through game hacking. "Chaos Black" is no different. As it is a hack of "FireRed," it is very similar to that game's geography and town structures. It does offer a few new Pokémon characters and other easter eggs and glitches. Most cheat codes are available on the Action Replay DSi found on the Code Junkies website.

    Action Replay Master Code

    • In order to utilize the many working Action Replay codes available, learning the Master Code is your first step. Entering the following code will utilize any Action Replay code: DE00AAFD 2EBD05D0 530823D9 16558191. Now you will have the means to find such creatures as Mewthree X. You can also have infinite money. You can get an infinite number of items such as Rare Candy, Potions, Lemonade and much more, creating your own custom gaming experience.

    Cheat Codes

    • The number of codes available for "Chaos Black" is almost endless. If you want infinite money, use the Master Code and then enter e51e97c3 7858e4eb. Entering c674b60f b309f994 will get you Master Ball Slot 1. Does your Pokémon need the beneficial Pokerus virus after a battle? The code is C784FC61 63EBC3B6 117279A9 85478753. There are codes for choosing the gender of a Pokémon found in the wild as well as ones for leveling up quickly.

    Walk Through Walls

    • Being able to walk through walls is necessary because of the many glitches in "Chaos Black." Some areas of the game can't be reached if you can't walk through the walls. Since the game is a hack, and an alpha version as well, there are parts of it that don't work like they should. Using the cheat code 67684848 57839397 29238932 9876o599 dsr33823 3rd20u28 33789ry3 will help you with such tricky areas as Mt. Moon.

    Does Mewthree/Mewthree X Exist?

    • Many will answer this question with a firm no. They will tell you there is no Mewthree, and that Mew and Mewtwo are the only legendary characters in this series available . However, the reason so many refuse to acknowledge the existence of Mewthree is because they don't acknowledge "Chaos Black." A hack of previous games, "Chaos Black" is not considered an official release. Those who have the game, though, insist this elusive Pokémon exists.

    Cheat Codes From Previous Games

    • If you have copies of "Ruby," "FireRed," or "LeafGreen," chances are you already have the codes you need for most of the game play in "Chaos Black." As stated many times in user forums, this game is not an official release. As a hack, though, it stands up to many players' criteria, and is enjoyed by many. With the Action Replay codes available from other games, "Chaos Black" is surely worth giving a try. © HT Games