HT Games

How to Install Mugen Bonus Game

M.U.G.E.N. or just "Mugen" is one part game creator and one part fully-customizable 2-D fighting game. The program allows you to create and use your own custom characters in a "Street Fighter"-esque beat-em-up game. Many fans have also used the creation portion of "Mugen" to make bonus stages and games, everything from first-person shooters to remakes of the original "Super Mario Bros." NES game. You will have to install these stages and games into the "Mugen" game itself before you can play them, however.


    • 1

      Download the desired bonus game from the Internet.

    • 2

      Extract the bonus game -- if applicable -- from its archive file and place the game folder in the "Chars" folder of your "Mugen" installation directory.

    • 3

      Open the bonus game folder and locate the "stage" files. These typically have the "DEF" and "SFF" extension.

    • 4

      Place the stage files into the "Stages" directory of your "Mugen" installation folder.

    • 5

      Open the "Data" folder in your "Mugen" install directory and double-click the "Select.DEF" file. This will open a new Notepad window.

    • 6

      Scroll down the page until you come to the "Insert Characters Here" line. Type the name of your bonus stage into the "Select.DEF" page immediately below this line.

    • 7

      Scroll down the page to the "stages" line and insert the stage name into the text file immediately below. Make sure you include the ".DEF" extension. The whole line should look something like "Stages\Stage1.DEF."

    • 8

      Save the text file and close down the Notepad window. You can now launch the bonus game from the main "Mugen" window. © HT Games