HT Games

Cheats for Bomberman: The Second Attack

"Bomberman 64: The Second Attack" is a video game developed by Hudson and Vertical Entertainment and released in May 2000. It is an action game that is available solely on the Nintendo 64 console. A number of cheats are available to use with this game.
  1. Play as Any Computer Character in Battle Mode

    • This cheat will let you play as any of the computer characters while in battle mode. First you have to win a "Red Cup" in each of the five different battle modes by completing challenge 5. When you have done this a secret option is revealed that will let you play as some of the computer characters. Go to the character select screen in battle mode, hold down the "Z" button and press the "A" button.

    Change the Appearance of the Salesman

    • This cheat will change the appearance of the salesman in the "Merchant Ship Frontier." TBuy all the parts that are available in the shop; this will unlock four "cowboy parts." Buy these four "cowboy parts" and you will see that the salesman now looks different. You cannot change the salesman's appearance back after you have activated this cheat, so if you do not like it do not save the game.

    Unlock "Battle Royal" and "Kings and Knights"

    • "Battle Royal" and "Kings and Knights" are games with the battle mode option of the game. To be able to play them you must complete specific tasks first. For "Battle Royal" you must successfully complete the three-win match in "Survival." To access the "Kings and Knights" game you have to win the three-win match in "Battle Royal."

    Unlock "Key Trial" and "Score Attack"

    • "Key Trial" and "Score Attack" are two more games you can play in battle mode once you have completed specific tasks. To access the "Key Trial" game you have to beat the three-win match in "Kings and Knights." To be able to play the "Score Attack" game you must successfully finish the three-win match in "Key Trial." © HT Games