HT Games

How to Make Pokemon Soul Silver AR Codes

"Pokemon SoulSilver" is a role-playing game, developed for the Nintendo DS hand-held console, in which players must collect and train Pokemon to become the region's top trainer. If you wish to insert a cheat code of your own creation into the game's code, you can do so by making use of the Action Replay DS cheat device.


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      Insert your "Pokemon SoulSilver" game cart into the game slot of your Action Replay DS device.

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      Insert your Action Replay DS device into the game slot on your Nintendo DS.

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      Turn your DS on to access your Action Replay DS' main menu. Select the "Codes" option to access the game list.

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      Select the "Pokemon SoulSilver" option to access the code list for the game. Select the "Enter New Code" option.

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      Enter the name of the code in the next screen, using your on-screen keyboard. Since you may not know the effects of the code, entering the name "Test Code" is advisable. Select the "Next" option to move to the next screen.

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      Enter the code you have created into the code entry screen. A useful tip for creating a code is to manipulate a code that already exists. For example, if there is a code that gives you an infinite amount of a certain item, you can adjust the code so it gives you an infinite amount of a different item.

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      Press the "Next" button when you are done making your code, and the code will be placed in the "Pokemon SoulSilver" code list. © HT Games