How to Enable Cheat Codes
To enable cheat codes while playing "Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis," "Operation Flashpoint: Resistance," and "Operation Flashpoint: Red Hammer," you must first enter a short code. Start the game and begin playing a level. Hold down the left "Shift" key and press the "-" key on the keyboard. You can then enter cheat codes.
Level Select and God Mode
Type "campaign" to unlock all the missions in all three "Operation Flashpoint" games. Enter "iwillbetheone" to become invincible, making it impossible for your character to die.
Save Game and End Mission
In the "Operation Flashpoint" games, you can usually save the game only after you have reached certain checkpoints. Enter the code "savegame" to create a save point at any time in the game. To end the mission immediately, type the code "endmission."
Christmas Day Decorations on "Operation Flashpoint"
An "Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis" cheat will cover the map you are playing with Christmas trees, complete with decorations, lights and presents underneath them. Change the date on your computer to December 25 to activate this cheat and start playing the game. You will see the festive decorations throughout the game.