HT Games

How to Capture Liche in the Puzzle Quest PSP Game

"Puzzle Quest" is a game developed by Infinite Interactive and released in 2007. It is a combination of role-playing game (RPG) and puzzle game. Gamers must solve "Bejeweled"-style puzzles in order to defeat and capture myriad opponents and monsters. To complete a puzzle, gamers must move individual tiles up, down, left or right to form lines of three, which disappear. The remaining holes are filled by tiles that drop from above. The Liche is an undead creature that maintains its intelligence, unlike the undead zombie.


    • 1

      Move the explosive skull right; the skull is on the bottom row and five from the left. This will cause a lot of chaining, so the board will be almost completely empty.

    • 2

      Move the gold that is in the fourth column to the left. This will form a chain of three, and they will disappear.

    • 3

      Move the red orb that is in the fifth column to the right. This will form a chain of three orbs, and they will disappear. © HT Games