HT Games

How to Find Selphy

Lady Selphy is a minor character in the Pokemon LeafGreen and FireRed versions of the popular game franchise. When you enter her house in the game, you will find that she is not home. She is in an area called the Lost Cave, which is near Five Island, part of the Sevii Islands. The Lost Cave is a massive labyrinth with several paths leading to different rooms, one of which plays host to Lady Selphy and her pokemon.


    • 1

      Surf to Five Island and travel north from the fisherman standing in the central area. Continue traveling north until you get to the crossroads and you will eventually find Resort Gorgeous. There are several trainers on this resort if you want to level up, otherwise travel to the east and you will find a cave on a small island. This is the Lost Cave

    • 2

      Enter the Lost Cave. From the first room, travel east, north, south, south, east, west, south, east and north. Following this path will get you to Lady Selphy's room. Two level 49 Persians will attack you. Fight and defeat them. At this point in the game, it should be fairly easy to overpower them.

    • 3

      Watch the brief scene and Lady Selphy will return home. After the scene you will appear in front of Lady Selphy's house. Enter and she will ask you to play a game with her. You will have to retrieve a pokemon from your PC and show it to her before the 10 minute time limit. Show her one pokemon to get a Luxury Ball, two to get a Pearl, three to get a Big Pearl, four to get a Star Piece and five to get a Nugget. After the fifth pokemon, the prizes will repeat in the same order. © HT Games