Log into Windows with an account that has Administrator privileges. Download the latest version of the "Diablo II" Hero Editor from the Resources section and double-click to unzip.
Run the file "Setup.exe." If your version of Windows requires you to right-click and select "Run as Administrator" in order to install with full Admin privileges, do this. Follow the onscreen prompts to install the latest version of the Hero Editor. If you are asked whether you want to overwrite an old installation, do so.
Right-click the file "Diablo II Hero Editor.exe" and select "Properties." Click the "Compatibility" tab.
Set the program to run in Compatibility Mode for Windows 95 and click "Ok."
Run the "Diablo II" Hero Editor as an Administrator, either by opening within an account with Administrator privileges or by right-clicking and selecting "Run as Administrator" to access the program's features without errors.