Any time during game play you can enter a cheat code by hitting the "Enter" key to bring up a chat window. To see a whole map without having to explore, type ̶0;REVEAL MAP.̶1; When there are no military personnel in a section of the map, it could be covered with the Fog of War. The fog allows you to see terrain, but will not show you enemy units. To remove the Fog of War, type in ̶0;NO FOG̶1;.
Town Center
The trick to successfully locating the town center is to arrange the map to give yourself the advantage. Instead of building where the computer would have you start, scout around to find where the most resources are located together. Have the one villager you start with make circles outward looking for food and wood. When you find the ideal spot, arrange the farms close to the town center. You will accumulate resources more quickly when the villagers have less map to cover. Storage pits should also be placed near whatever resource is being gathered.
Map Design
During the game's sandbox scenario you have no tasks or goals to reach. You take what you have learned and create a civilization with no end. If you wish to create your own map for a sandbox scenario, give yourself enough space to build and have plenty of resources nearby. To make land with water you can build on, you would need to make a swamp. This will allow you use the water for daily purposes and fishing, and still be able to cross it with troops, boats and villagers. To make swamps, place desert patches over shallow water or add shallow water squares over empty grass.