HT Games

Game Cheats for LEGO Star Wars Complete Saga

LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga combines two games: LEGO Star Wars, which featured the "new" trilogy (Episodes I, II and III) and LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy, which re-imagined the original trilogy of films. LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga has several helpful cheat codes that can be used to unlock new characters, vehicles and special abilities. To use them, simply pause the game while in the Cantina and select the "Enter Cheats" option.
  1. Characters

    • LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga has characters that span all six Star Wars films, many of which can only be unlocked by spending studs (the game's currency) at the in-game store. If you are a little light in the stud department, you can do the next best thing and use these cheats to unlock many of the game's sixty-plus roster.

      Admiral Ackbar - ACK646
      Boba Fett - LA811Y
      Jango Fett - KLJ897
      Count Dooku - DDD748
      Darth Maul - H35TUX
      Darth Sidious - A32CAM
      IG-88 - GIJ989
      Ki Adi Mundi - MUN486
      Padme - VBJ322
      Stormtrooper - NBN431


    • Finding everything in LEGO Star Wars can be quite a chore. Thankfully the game's developers have put in some helpful items to assist in finding every hidden minikit part.

      Jedi Grapple - CLZ738
      Minikit Detector - LD116B
      Invincibility - 4PR28U

    Unlock Indiana Jones

    • Even though he has never made an appearance in the Star Wars universe, Indiana Jones is still part of the larger LucasFilm family. This means that you can unlock him if you have 50,000 Studs and a couple of minutes of patience.

      Inside the Cantina, make your way into the Bonus Room. From there, watch the trailer for the LEGO Indiana Jones game. Once the trailer is complete, make your way to the store and you now have the option to purchase Indiana Jones for 50,000 studs. © HT Games