Entering cheat codes
While playing, press the ` key to open up the console menu and type in sv_cheats 1. At the start of every turn, enter in the word "noclip" to activate the cheat codes.
Cheat Codes
Type in following to activate cheats:
sv_gravity#: replace the # sign with an actual number to affect the stage gravity.
r_shadowids 1: players who are in the shadows are revealed
impulse 101: $16,000 in your account
cl_crosshairscale 4000: your crosshairs become smaller
phys_pushforce#: cause bodies and other objects to fly farther when moved
net_graph 0: Stats are no longer at the bottom of the screen
net_graph 1: Returns stats to the bottom of the screen
host_timescale*: change the "*" to a number to increase your speed
mat_wireframe 3: Ability to see through walls
sv_showimpacts: Shows you where your bullets hit your targets
mat_proxy 2: walls become invisible
r_drawothermodels 2: wireframe player models
impulse 99: skulls rain down from the sky
props!: props appear throughout the stage
settings: allows you to change the appearance of your character