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Halo 1 Cheats for XBox

"Halo1" is one of the most popular Xbox games of all time, and it revolutionized first-person shooters. On easier levels, the game can be somewhat of a breeze, but on the Legendary mode, the game is extremely difficult. In order to make Halo less frustrating, you can use several cheats, tips and tricks to help you further enjoy the game.
  1. Tips, Tricks, Glitches &Cheats

    • For extra shotgun ammo, find a shotgun with 12 shots and zero clips available. Fire off a few rounds and reload manually and you will have 12 more shots to use without picking up more ammo. You may use this trick around 20 times before the gun requires additional ammunition.

      It is possible to increase the total amount of weapons you can hold from two guns to three. Beat the game on any difficulty, and you will be able to hold an extra weapon.

      "Halo" was designed with an alternative ending. In order to see the alternative ending, beat the last level on the Legendary difficulty setting. You will see an additional cut scene that shows Johnson embracing an Elite, and the Elite getting a little too friendly.

      To make it easier to beat the game on Legendary, play a co-op game and have the second player sit back away from the action. This will give you an auto-spawn point so you may continue when you die.

      To reload any human weapon without wasting ammo, begin the reload sequence manually. As soon as you initiate the reload, switch to another weapon on the ground. Once the reload sound sequence has completed, pick that weapon back up, it will have full ammo without depleting your ammo stores.

      To increase accuracy when using the assault rifle, use three shot bursts. If you limit your bursts to three bullets, your accuracy will dramatically improve. If you hold the fire button down and spray the gun everywhere, your accuracy will be significantly diminished.

      If you fall from a high platform, your shield can be depleted or you can potentially die. If you hold "crouch" right before you hit the ground, you can avoid taking damage and shield energy depletion.

    Enemy Eradication

    • Hunters are usually the most difficult covenant unit to kill given how much damage they can normally absorb and their attack power. However, if you examine their necks and their back, you will notice a small orange spot, shoot them there with any gun to kill them instantly.

      To easily defeat the grunts, walk up to them while they are sleeping and use the melee attack to kill them. They will not wake up if you execute this successfully.

      To kill isolated Elites, watch their movement pattern. Once you have their pattern memorized, walk up behind them and hit them with the melee attack; this should kill them instantly. © HT Games