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Walkthroughs for Pokemon XD to Purify Shadow Lugia

In the game "Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness," you hear your enemy whispering about XD001, a very powerful experimental Pokemon that's also known as Shadow Lugia. Your foes, Team Cipher, capture Pokemon and seal their hearts to make shadow Pokemon. You purify most regular shadow Pokemon using one of several methods, but Team Cipher says there is no way to purify Shadow Lugia. Despite their claim, you can purify Shadow Lugia using Professor Kane's purification center.
  1. Capturing Shadow Lugia

    • You first encounter Shadow Lugia near the game's end at Citadark Isle. The leader of Team Cipher, the man responsible for corrupting Pokemon, calls forth Shadow Lugia in an attempt to destroy you. The man, Grand Master Greevil, calls Shadow Lugia the most powerful Pokemon ever created. Put an end to Greevil's plans and catch Shadow Lugia with the master ball given to you by Professor Kane. The master ball always catches Shadow Lugia without fail. If you already used it on a different Pokemon, attack Shadow Lugia until his health bar turns red and then throw snag balls to catch him.

    The Purification Chamber

    • Normal shadow Pokemon will purify themselves as long as you keep them in your party, fight with them in battle or give them cologne massages. As Greevil told you, though, he designed Lugia so it could not be purified by normal means. Professor Kane built a purification chamber at his lab, though, which helps speed up the purification process. Using it is the only way to purify Shadow Lugia. The purification center contains nine different sets for purifying shadow Pokemon, and each set holds five Pokemon. Four purified Pokemon stand in one of the set's outer circles. A shadow Pokemon stands in the middle. Its purification speed depends on the flow of the Pokemon surrounding it.


    • If you set the Pokemon up correctly, you achieve maximum flow. To get full flow, fill a set completely with Pokemon who are weak to each other's moves. For instance, in the first circle, place a fire Pokemon. Fire Pokemon are weak to water moves, so put a water Pokemon in the next circle. Follow this process to fill each circle in the chamber. Flow dictates the speed that a shadow Pokemon experiences purification.

    Purifying Shadow Lugia

    • With the purification chamber fully filled with purified Pokemon and the maximum flow achieved for each, you are ready to purify Shadow Lugia. Shadow Pokemon usually purify gradually in the purification chamber, but Shadow Lugia purifies instantly as long as the flow is perfect. When you go to the purification chamber, place Shadow Lugia in the center of any set. When you do, Shadow Lugia's madness disappears and he regains all of his normal abilities and moves. © HT Games