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How to Get the Platinum Medal on Death of an Agent

"Death of an Agent" is a mission in the 2003 James Bond video game: "007: Everything or Nothing." Each mission has different special objectives that, if met, reward you with medals. To get the platinum medal for "Death of an Agent," you have to make it through the first area of the level without taking more than 100 damage. The trick to getting this medal is anticipating where all of the guards are so you can shoot them before they shoot you.


    • 1

      Run forward from the beginning area until you find a spider hole on a wall just before taking a corner. Deploy a Q Spider and run it through the hole and along the linear tunnel until you get to a group of soldiers. Have the Q Spider run off the ledge and into the group to make it explode and kill the soldiers.

    • 2

      Run through the corridor, past the soldiers you just killed, and down the stairs. Watch the cut scene between 007 and 003, then exit the room and kill the soldier outside the door. Run through the hallway and kill the soldier before he can react to your presence.

    • 3

      Proceed past the crates, through the hall and down the stairs. Kill the soldier in the stairwell before he sees you. Take a left at the bottom of the stairs to find another stairwell and some soldiers. Shoot them before they shoot you. Duck to the right of the door to avoid the gunfire of the soldier in the adjacent room. When you have an opening, run out and shoot him.

    • 4

      Run through the room to door in the opposite corner and stand by the hole in the wall. Press against the wall to hide behind it and throw a grenade into the group of attack soldiers. Shoot any that you may have missed. Go through the hole on the left wall of the room to walk down a bridge of wooden planks. Take a right to get into the room where all of the soldiers were and proceed until you can hide behind a large wall.

    • 5

      Kill the oncoming soldiers while hiding behind the wall to avoid taking damage. Crouch down and walk forward to the gas canister to hide from the guards on the other side of the wall. Shoot them. Backtrack slightly to find a recessed area in the wall that drops down to the next floor. Go into it and equip your infrared goggles.

    • 6

      Hide behind the wall and wait for the solider to come running out. Kill him while his back is turned. Go down the hall where the soldier came from and walk to the end of it. Go slowly and shoot the guard that comes running into the corridor. Take a left at the end of the hall, then take a right at the end of this corridor.

    • 7

      Stand near the opening in the wall and shoot the three guards in the next room. Go into the room and take an immediate left to go up some stairs. Shoot the guard at the top of the stairs and remove the infrared goggles. Take a left onto the tracks and duck behind a box. Kill the soldiers that come into the area. There is a large door at the end of these tracks -- turn and go the opposite way to reach the button for the door, then turn back and kill the soldiers by shooting the gas canister where they are standing.

    • 8

      Hide behind boxes and kill the soldiers that come onto the tracks. When you kill one wave, run to the next box and hide. Keep doing this until you can safely make it to the large door you opened. Run through the door to initiate a cut scene and complete the area. © HT Games