Power up your Nintendo GameCube and insert the Pokémon XD disc in the GameCube's disc compartment.
Go to the Mt. Battle Challenge and complete the mission to receive and unlock one of the three starter Pokémon.
Accept one of the three starter Pokémon (Chikorita, Cyndaquil, or Totodile.) Chikorita is a grass type Pokémon with Tackle, Growl, Ancient Power, and Frenzy Plant as attacks. Cyndaquil is a fire type Pokémon with Tackle, Leer, Reversal, and Blast Burn as attacks. Totodile is a water type Pokémon with Scratch, Leer, Crunch, and Hydro Cannon as attacks.
Complete the Mt. Battle Challenge once more to receive and unlock another starter Pokémon.
Perform the Mt. Battle Challenge on your Game Cube once again to receive and unlock the third and final starter Pokémon.
Save your game.