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How to Get the Leader of Team Galactic to Break the Ancient Cave Drawing in Pokemon Diamond

Team Galactic is one of the primary nemeses in the pokemon universe. They appear in most pokemon games, including "Pokemon Diamond" for the Nintendo DS. In "Pokemon Diamond," Cyrus, the leader of Team Galactic, holds three legendary pokemon captive on Mt. Coronet. To access their location, you must find a way past an ancient cave drawing blocking the way. The only way to get past the drawing is to defeat Cyrus in battle. After defeating Cyrus, he travels to Mt. Coronet and breaks the ancient drawing, giving you access to the rest of the mountain.


    • 1

      Go to the northeast corner of Veilstone City to find the Veilstone Galactic Building. It stands out as a large, black building with a galactic grunt guarding the front door.

    • 2

      Speak to the galactic grunt guarding the door. After some dialog, he accidentally drops the Storage Key. Pick up the Storage Key and head to the Warehouse in the northwest corner of town. The Warehouse is the only large building in this part of town.

    • 3

      Enter the Warehouse and open the locked door inside with the Storage Key. The locked door is at the far end of the warehouse as you enter and is the only locked door in the building. Retrieve the Dusk Stone from the small room behind the locked door and go down the stairs to access the Galactic Veilstone Building's basement.

    • 4

      Go east in the basement until you reach a set of stairs. There are a few galactic grunts in random locations that you may have to fight. They will be relatively easy to beat, but may have a few high-level Pokemon, including a level 32 wurmple. Halfway up the stairs you encounter a grunt who, rather than fighting, tells you about the warp panels located throughout the building. You'll use these warp panels to get to the top floor of the building and challenge Cyrus.

    • 5

      Continue to the top of the stairs where there is a galactic grunt protecting two warp panels. Defeat the grunt and step onto the warp panel to the left. You are warped to a room with another warp panel inside; step on it to warp to the bottom of a staircase.

    • 6

      Go up the stairs and defeat the galactic grunts you encounter along the way; they are roughly the same difficulty as the grunts you encountered earlier. On your way up the stairs you come to another warp panel; step on it.

    • 7

      Go down the nearby staircase. Continue going down until you arrive in a room in the basement you've never been in. Pick up the Galactic Key and any other items you want from this room. The Galactic Key opens every door in the Galactic Veilstone Building.

    • 8

      Unlock the locked door in this room with the Galactic Key and then follow the hallway beyond the door until you come to an exit door. Go through this door to leave the Warehouse.

    • 9

      Return to the Galactic Veilstone Building and use the Galactic Key to enter the first floor. If there are any galactic grunts outside the building, they won't bother you. However, the grunts inside the building will attack on sight, so be prepared to fight.

    • 10

      Go north until you come to a room with a scientist waiting inside. There is a warp panel in the southwest corner of this room; step on the panel to be warped to a room with two beds and a staircase leading up. Heal your pokemon by walking into the bed and pressing the "A" button. The battle with Cyrus occurs soon, so you'll need your pokemon fully healed.

    • 11

      Go up the staircase, fighting galactic grunts you encounter along the way. Follow the stairs at the top of the hallway until you come to three warp panels; step on the left panel to be warped to the bottom of yet another staircase.

    • 12

      Go up the stairs and open the door at the top to meet Cyrus. Cyrus is the leader of Team Galactic and holds three legendary pokemon -- Uxie, Mesrit and Azelf -- captive in an undisclosed location.

    • 13

      Speak to Cyrus to engage in battle. Cyrus' pokemon are all level 40 or above and present a major challenge. Pokemon with a rock-type attack deal more damage to Cyrus' pokemon than most other attack types. However, if you have several pokemon at or near level 40, Cyrus' pokemon shouldn't present much of a problem. After defeating Cyrus, he gives you the Master Ball and tells you that he's keeping the legendary pokemon at the top of Mt. Coronet. He also tells you that he's going to Mt. Coronet and then leaves the room.

    • 14

      Go south until you come to a warp panel; step on it to warp out of the Galactic Veilstone Building. If you travel to Mt. Coronet at this point, Cyrus will have broken the ancient cave painting, giving you access the the upper sections of the mountain to free the captive legendary pokemon. © HT Games