Things You'll Need
Turn your PokeWalker on and wear it on your hip. Every step you take nets you one watt. To unlock the Quiet Cave, you need to earn 100,000 watts.
Walk around until you've earned enough watts to unlock the Quiet Cave.
Select the Quiet Cave from the PokeWalker menu. At first, you'll only have access to Group C Pokemon. By walking within the cave, you will gain access to better groups. Spiritomb is in Group A.
Continue walking for 10,000 more steps to unlock Group A.
Go to the PokeWalker menu and select the Poke Radar. You'll see four bushes. If three exclamation marks appear above one of the bushes, then it contains a Group A Pokemon. Click on the bush. If you're lucky, a Spiritomb will appear. If not, try again.
Attack the Spiritomb. It starts with only four hit points. Lower it to one or two hit points.
Select the "Catch" option to capture the Spiritomb. If you miss, it will run away and you'll have to use your Poke Radar to find another one.
Insert "SoulSilver" into your Nintendo DS and turn on the game.
Place the PokeWalker next to your Nintendo DS. They'll connect wirelessly.
Load your save and go to an in-game computer. Face it and press the "A" button to activate it. You'll find the Spiritomb in the Pokemon Storage System. Select "Withdraw" to add it to your party.