There are a total of 27 different ghost-type Pokemon, 19 of which have additional sub-types. The sub-types for ghost Pokemon include bug, dark, dragon, electric, fire, flying, ground, poison and water. Each sub-type lends its associated strengths and weaknesses to the ghost type. A ghost-fire Pokemon would share a weakness to a water-type Pokemon due to the established weakness that fire types have to water types.
The ghost-type̵7;s offensive abilities are strong against many types of Pokemon but are significantly effective against both the psychic and ghost types. Normal and fighting-based attacks have no effect on ghost Pokemon, making the ghost types highly effective against aggressive attackers. Poison and bug attacks also don't have a strong impact on the ghost type.
While normal attacks have no effect on ghost types, ghost attacks have no effect on normal-type Pokemon. Ghosts share a weakness to both the dark and steel sub-types in addition to other ghosts. Sableye and Spiritomb, the two Pokemon that share a ghost-dark type, have no weaknesses to other Pokemon types.
Because ghosts are strong against other ghost types, include a ghost Pokemon in your lineup while fighting in the third gym, which is occupied by other ghosts. Pair your ghost Pokemon with fighters and two to three of the elemental types to provide an offensive attack against other types. Several of the bosses in Pokemon Platinum use psychic-type Pokemon, which are weak to ghost attacks.
Obtaining Ghost Pokemon
Most ghost Pokemon can be caught with a Pokeball during your battles, but some can only be found through special circumstances. Shedinja is a ghost-type Pokemon that can only be obtained by levling Nincada up to level 20 with an open spot in your party. Once Nincada evolves to Ninjask, Shedinja will occupy your open Pokemon slot. A female Snorunt will evolve to the ghost-type Froslass if you use a dawn stone on it to force its evolution.