Play through the Gargoyle Castle until you've earned "ArmrData," "KtnaData" and "HelmData." You earn this data by jacking into the different displays in this area and talking to the Navi in each of them. Go left twice from the entrance screen to the castle to reach the purple samurai hologram in the main display room and he'll open the locked door for you.
Follow the path to the left, up and then right and you'll see a large gold statue. Click on him and he'll challenge you to defeat 100 warriors and will give you a wooden sword. Accept the challenge and you'll be in a center square with four narrow paths leading to your location.
Use the directional pad to aim in any of the four directions and press "B" to swing your sword at the approaching foes. You will have to start the challenge over again if any of the enemies touch you so keep at it until you successfully complete the challenge. Look to the right and you'll see a green Buddha statue move out of your way.
Go right and up the stairs, then go down when you reach the next room. Go left, then up, then turn right into the open door. Go up the stairs and left out of this room after you reach the top of the stairs to reach the roof. A man will come down and warn you about the Gargoyle Comp.
Go right up onto the roof and you'll see a large gargoyle statue on either side. Walk up to the gargoyle on the left and press "R" to jack into its Comp.