Acquiring Your First New Dragon
Complete the tutorial by winning the first tournament. Each step of the tutorial is explained in game, and should be easy to follow.
After the tutorial, tap the yellow star icon over Gobber's house. He will explain how to acquire new dragons and gain their trust, before giving you a quest to gather dragon food. You must defeat four dragons.
Defeat the dragons and you will instantly be brought back to Gobber's house. He will give you a key to the stables, located in the center of the village.
Go to the stables, and you will be given your first new dragon. If you are playing Hiccup, this will be a Deadly Nadder. If you are playing Astrid, it will be a Night Fury.
Acquiring More Dragons
Accept quests by tapping the yellow stars on the world map to go to their locations.
Complete the quest, following the instructions given to you. Many quests will give you new dragons.
Access your dragons by returning to the dragon stable in the center of the village.
Select which dragon you want to use by tapping their image in the stables.