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What Can I Do If My Feebas Didn't Get Enough Beauty in Pokemon: Diamond for DS?

For a Feebas to evolve into Milotic in "Pokemon: Diamond Version," it needs a Beauty score of at least 170. Several strategies exist for raising the Beauty level of a Feebas: You can feed it special Poffins made from Berries, give it a massage, or even trade it to another game that has a less stringent evolution path, and then trade it back.
  1. Berries and Poffins

    • If your Feebas doesn't have enough Beauty to evolve, the easiest way to get this attribute to the cap is to feed the Feebas certain kinds of Poffins. You can make Poffins from Berries in the Poffin House in Hearthome City. Poffins made from Dry Berries raise Beauty, some more than others -- Apicot, Wiki and Pamtre Berries are best. Pokemon can only eat so many Poffins before they get full, as determined by the Poffin's Feel level. Lower Feel means a Pokemon can eat more. For this reason, Wiki Berries are slightly better for increasing Feebas's beauty; even though they have a lower Dry value than Pamtre Berries, they also have a much lower Feel, and so a Pokemon can eat more of them before getting full.

    Trading and Massages

    • If your Feebas is full up on Pokeblocks and Poffins, try a massage or haircut instead. Massages are available only in the "HeartGold" and "SoulSilver" versions of "Pokemon," so you'll need a friend with one of those games or just another DS console if you have one of these versions. Massages and haircuts increase your Pokemon's Happiness and Beauty at the same time. You can get a haircut in Goldenrod Tunnel from the Haircut Brothers and a massage from Daisy in the house on the right in Pallet Town. It takes about eight massages for Feebas to be ready to evolve.

    "Black" and "White"

    • If you can't raise the Beauty level of Feebas and just want to skip the whole process, you can also evolve it in "Black" or "White," the generation of "Pokemon" games after "Diamond," without increasing its Beauty level at all. A Clean Scale, an item found in Route 13, triggers evolution of a Feebas to Milotic. So getting Milotic takes two trades: You will need to trade your Feebas to either "Black" or "White," evolve it and trade it back to " Diamond."

    Starting Over

    • If none of these options work for you, you will have to start over with another Feebas. If you want the process to go smoother the next time, look for Feebas with the Modest, Quiet, Rash or Mild natures, as those take to Beauty-raising Poffins better. Barring that, avoid Feebas with the Adamant, Jolly, Careful or Impish nature, which dislike Poffins more than those with other natures. © HT Games