"Scribblenauts" for the Nintendo DS handheld, features puzzle-solving gameplay designed around writing words to spawn objects in the game world. Once created, objects are then used to complete an objective, such as obtain the "Starite" in the level. In addition to puzzle completion, "Merits" can be earned in the game by finishing specific objectives related to word usage, object interactions and other achievements. Once completed, merits award the player with "Ollars," in-game currency used to purchase content, such as playable avatars. Among the merits in "Scribblenauts" is "Miser," related to the accumulation of Ollars.
Complete puzzles in "Scribblenauts" to earn Ollars. You can earn additional Ollars by completing levels under the par number of objects, or by using new words.
Earn other minor merits to gain additional Ollars. Other merits involve spawning certain types of objects, defeating creatures in particular ways and other in-game actions. Each merit earned will give you bonus Ollars.
Collect 300,000 Ollars or more to earn the "Miser" merit.