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Where to Get the Last Pokedex on Pokemon Diamond?

Two types of Pokedex are present in "Pokemon Diamond" -- the default Sinnoh Dex, detailing all of the Pokemon native to the Sinnoh region, and the National Dex, which lists all of the Pokemon available in every Pokemon game thus far. Obtaining the National Dex allows you to migrate Pokemon from the third-generation Pokemon games, access new areas with Pokemon from other regions and spawn daily swarms of otherwise uncatchable Pokemon.
  1. Obtaining the Eight Sinnoh Badges

    • One of the requirements for obtaining the National Dex is to defeat the Sinnoh Elite Four, and earning the right to challenge them requires the eight Sinnoh Gym Badges. The Gym Leaders are in the following locations:

      1. Roark in Oreburgh City (Level 12 Geodude, L12 Onix, L14 Cranidos)

      2. Gardenia in Eterna City (L19 Cherubi, L20 Turtwig, L22 Roserade)

      3. Maylene in Veilstone City (L27 Meditite, L27 Machoke, L30 Lucario)

      4. Crasher Wake in Pastoria City (L27 Gyarados, L27 Quagsire, L30 Floatzel)

      5. Fantina in Hearthome City (L32 Drifblim, L34 Gengar, L36 Mismagius)

      6. Byron in Canalave City (L36 Bronzor, L36 Steelix, L39 Bastiodon)

      7. Candice in Snowpoint City (L38 Snover, L38 Sneasel, L40 Medicham, L42 Abomasnow)

      8. Volkner in Sunyshore City (L46 Raichu, L47 Octillery, L47 Ambipom, L49 Luxray)

    Defeating the Sinnoh Elite Four

    • You are able to access Victory Road once all eight Gym Badges are obtained. Victory Road contains many trainers and requires the HM moves Surf, Strength, Rock Smash, Waterfall and Rock Climb to complete. On the other side of Victory Road is the Elite Four -- defeating the Elite Four and the Pokemon League Champion is necessary to earn the National Dex.

      1. Aaron (Level 53 Dustox, L53 Beautifly, L54 Heracross, L54 Vespiquen, L57 Drapion)

      2. Bertha (L55 Quagsire, L56 Sudowoodo, L55 Whiscash, L56 Golem, L59 Hippowdon)

      3. Flint (L58 Rapidash, L58 Drifblim, L57 Steelix, L57 Lopunny, L61 Infernape)

      4. Lucian (L59 Mr. Mime, L59 Girafarig, L60 Medicham, L60 Alakazam, L63 Bronzong)

      Champion Cynthia (L61 Spiritomb, L60 Gastrodon, L60 Roserade, L63 Lucario, L63 Milotic, L66 Garchomp)

    Completing the Sinnoh Pokedex

    • You must see -- not capture -- all 150 Pokemon in the Sinnoh Pokedex to complete it. Many Pokemon, especially fully evolved ones, are found in required battles with Team Galactic, Gym Leaders or the Elite Four. The other Pokemon are either found in the wild or possessed by other trainers. The most difficult Pokemon to view in Pokemon Diamond is Palkia, the mascot of Pokemon Pearl; reading a book in Celestic Town will count toward viewing it. No trading or evolving of captured Pokemon is necessary to view all of the Sinnoh Pokemon.

    Obtaining the National Dex

    • Once the Elite Four and Champion have been defeated and you have a complete Sinnoh Pokedex, you can speak to Professor Rowan in Sandgem Town to receive the National Dex. The National Dex allows you to use Pal Park on Route 221. You can also speak to a little girl in Professor Rowan's assistant's house in Sandgem to learn about the location of Pokemon swarms. A new path is also available in Victory Road (Defog is required); this path leads to new routes containing Pokemon from other regions. © HT Games