Visit the Pokeathlon Dome, which you will find to the west of the Johto National Park.
Run to the Aprijuice stand located west of the main building. Speak with the woman that works there to buy the Apriblender.
Determine which stat you would like to raise on your Pokemon creature and find the Apricorn that corresponds to that stat. Red is for power, yellow is for stamina, blue is for skill, green is for jump and pink is for speed.
Collect Apricorns from the Apricorn trees scattered around the world. These trees have round tops and look much different from normal trees. You can only loot one Apricorn per tree per day if you want to preserve the health of the tree. You will need to collect five Apricorns total. Try to collect two black Apricorns and three of the color that corresponds to your desired stat.
Place the Apricorns into your Apriblender and walk around. You will need to walk 100 steps to mix the Aprijuice.
Taste the juice to receive a message about its strength. The stronger it is, the higher it boosts your stats. You can experiment with Aprijuice strengths by adding new Apricorns to the mix.
Give the Pokemon the Aprijuice to boost the desired Pokeathlon stat.