Trainer Points
Compete in competitions with each of your dogs. Competitions are one of the easiest ways to acquire extra Trainer Points.
Play fetch with your dog and begin petting him when he brings items back. Pet him until he begins to sparkle, giving you Trainer Points.
Navigate to the grooming screen if you'd like to get easy Trainer Points. Instead of washing, choose to brush your dog. Place the brush on his stomach or back with your stylus and remove the stylus. Ensure that the brush remains on his belly or back. Plug your Nintendo DS in and wait. For every minute that the brush remains on the dog, you gain an extra Trainer Point. Consider doing this when you've got something else to do so you don't have to sit around and wait.
Leave your Nintendo DS open so it doesn't go into standby mode. Don't worry when the screen gets darker, this power saving feature won't interrupt your Trainer Points.
Return to the main menu when satisfied and press "Go Out" and "Info." Tap "Trainer Information" to see how many Trainer Points you have.
Go to the kennel. New breeds will be unlocked if you've acquired enough Trainer Points. The specific breeds, their cost and how many Trainer Points you need to unlock them vary depending on your version of "Nintendogs."
Walk Items
Press "Go Out," select "Walk" and choose a dog to walk. Using the stylus, draw a route for your dog's walk that starts and ends at your house. If there are any question marks on the path, ensure that your route leads the dog to them. These question marks represent either dogs to play with or in-game items, some of which unlock new dog breeds.
Take your dog on walks until he finds the "Fireman's Hat" rare present. After acquiring it, dalmatians will be available at the kennel. This is not the case in "Nintendogs: Damatian and Friends," where you can get a dalmatian from the beginning.
Walk the dog until he finds a rare present containing the "Jack Russell Book." Upon your next kennel visit, the Jack Russell terriers are available.