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How to Get Past the Man That Gives You the Rage Candy Bar in Mahogany Town on Pokemon SoulSilver

When you get to Mahogany Town in the Nintendo DS video game "Pokemon SoulSilver," you find your progress east halted by a man who will sell you a RageCandyBar but will not let you pass. To unlock the next stage of the game and get past this man, you have to defeat the evil Team Rocket, your adversaries in the game, in Mahogany Town and Goldenrod City. Hold on to the RageCandyBar the man sells you, as it can be traded for TM64 Explosion later in the game.


    • 1

      Go to Mahogany Town and talk to the man at the far east of the town. He will sell you a RageCandyBar but will refuse to let you pass.

    • 2

      Go north out of town to the Lake of Rage and talk to the person looking at the sign there. Go back to Mahogany Town and go into the shop, which is a cover for the entrance to a Team Rocket hideout.

    • 3

      Battle your way past the Team Rocket Grunts and disable the computer in the south of the hideout that sets off the statue traps. Go down the stairs and keep fighting your way past the Team Rocket Grunts until you meet your rival, who will run away without fighting you. Go into the next room to take on Team Rocket Executive Petrel.

    • 4

      Defeat Petrel, who has a Level 22 Zubat, a Level 24 Raticate and a Level 22 Koffing. Go up the stairs to the north and follow the Murkrow to the generator room, where you'll have to battle Executive Ariana and a Team Rocket Grunt. Ariana has a Level 25 Arbok, a Level 25 Gloom and a Level 27 Murkrow, while the Grunt has a Level 18 Drowzee and a Level 20 Grimer. Beat the three Level 23 Electrodes that are powering the generators to finish this hideout.

    • 5

      Go to the Mahogany Town Pokemon Gym and defeat the Gym leader, Pryce. His Pokemon are all Water/Ice types -- a Level 30 Seel, a Level 32 Dewgong and a Level 34 Piloswine -- so use Electric and Grass types to beat them. Once you leave the gym, Professor Elm will call you and tell you that Team Rocket has taken over the Radio Tower in Goldenrod City.

    • 6

      Go to Goldenrod City, using a Pokemon's "Fly" move to get there quickly, and go into the Goldenrod Underground through the entrance on the west side of town. Talk to the Team Rocket Grunt down there and he will give you a Team Rocket uniform to sneak into the Goldenrod Radio Tower, which Team Rocket has occupied.

    • 7

      Go to the Radio Tower, the large building on the west side of town, and head inside. Each floor is just a straight line leading to the stairs to the next floor, but you will have to fight past Team Rocket Grunts to get through. Head up to the fifth floor to battle Executive Petrel again. He's got five Level 30 Koffings and a Level 32 Weezing. Beat him to get the Basement Key.

    • 8

      Head back to the Goldenrod Underground and use the key to unlock the door at the far south of the tunnel. Your rival will show up for one of your customary battles, after which you can move on. Immediately you'll hit a puzzle where you press colored switches -- press them in order from left to right: blue, green, red.

    • 9

      Battle past the Team Rocket grunts in this area and find the Radio Director, who will give you the Card Key. Go up the stairs into the basement of the Department Store, leave the store and go back to the Radio Tower. Head up to the third floor and use the Card Key to open the locked door, where you'll have to fight Team Rocket Executive Proton. He has a Level 28 Golbat and a Level 33 Weezing.

    • 10

      Head up the stairs to the fifth floor and defeat Executive Ariana again. She's got a Level 32 Arbok, a Level 32 Vileplume and a Level 32 Murkrow. Head up the elevator and meet Executive Archer for the final battle. He has a Level 35 Houndour, a Level 35 Koffing and a Level 38 Houndoom. Beat him and he will disband Team Rocket. Head back to Mahogany Town and the RageCandyBar man will let you pass. © HT Games