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What Are the Types & Weaknesses of the Elite Four in Pokemon Pearl?

"Pokemon Pearl" is one of the fourth generation Pokemon games for the Nintendo DS. Players must collect and train their Pokemon characters to defeat eight gym leaders as well as the Elite Four. When you challenge the Elite Four, you must fight them back-to-back in order to eventually defeat the Champion trainer, Cynthia. If you want to be successful in challenging the Elite Four, you must acquire information on their types and weaknesses.
  1. Elite Four Member: Aaron

    • Aaron is the first of the Elite Four that you face. He is an avid collector of bug-type Pokemon. He brings five Pokemon with him for the battle. The first four of the Pokemon have a weakness for fire, so use any fire-type Pokemon to defeat them. The last Pokemon is the hardest and dishes out Poison-Dark attacks, so use ground-type moves, such as Earthquake and Dig, to defeat him. Once you defeat all five of Aaron's Pokemon, you'll have won this quarter of the battle.

    Elite Four Member: Bertha

    • Bertha is the second Elite Four member you'll face and her specialty is the ground-type Pokemon. All five of her Pokemon share the weakness for grass. So, load up on grass-type Pokemon to defeat them with grass and water moves; such as Giga Drain and Solar Beam. The best Pokemon to defeat them with is Carnivine, since it has the ability to levitate to keep itself out of harm's way from the ground attacks.

    Elite Four Member: Flint

    • Elite Four member, Flint is tricky because even though he specializes in fire-type Pokemon, he also makes use of ghost and steel-type Pokemon in his attack. Three of the Pokemon that you encounter from Flint, Steelix, Rapidash, and Infernape, can be countered using ground-type attacks, such as Earthquake. Drifblim is a ghost-type Pokemon and can be countered using ice or electric-type attacks. Lopunny is the final Pokemon from Flint and is a normal Pokemon. Counter his moves by firing out fighting-type moves.

    Elite Four Member: Lucian

    • Lucian is the final Elite Four member you must defeat. He specializes in psychic-type Pokemon; they are tricky to beat because their weaknesses vary. Mr. Mime, Medicham, Alakazam and Girafarig are all weak when it comes to dark and ghost type attacks. However, Bronzong is only weak against fire attacks. Use moves such as Dark Pulse and Shadow Ball to defeat the first four and then use Flare Blitz and Flamethrower against the final Pokemon. © HT Games