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How to Get the Battle Tower Frontier Brains Pokemon in SoulSilver

Once you defeat the Elite Four in "SoulSilver," you will unlock the Battle Tower, which is directly north of the Battle Frontier. At the Battle Frontier, your objective is to defeat as many trainers as you can in a row. You will encounter the Battle Tower Frontier Brain after you reach 21 wins in a row. After 49 wins, you will encounter the Brain again. The Brain's party of Pokemon consists of Dragonite, Milotic, Rhyperior, Heatran, Regigigas and Cresselia.


    • 1

      Obtain the badge from the Blackthorn gym leader to gain access to the Dragon's Den. Go to the Dragon's Den, which is located in the northeast part of Blackthorn City. Speak to the Dragon Master at the Dragon Shrine. Answer his questions with the following responses: "Pal," "Strategy," "Anybody," "Love" and "Both." He will give you a Level 15 Dratini. Train it to level 55 to evolve it into a Dragonite.

    • 2

      Obtain the National Pokedex by spotting all 150 Pokemon in Sinnoh. Walk in the long grass on every route and fight every Pokemon Trainer to see every Pokemon. Speak to Professor Rowan in Sandgem Town and he will give you the National Pokedex.

    • 3

      Use the Pokewalker, a real-life pedometer device that comes with "SoulSilver," and take the "Quiet Cave" course. Save up 100,000 watts to unlock the course. Walk until the pedometer reads at least "500 steps." Place the Pokewalker Sensor near the back of the DS. Press the middle button on the Pokewalker for a few seconds to sync the Pokewalker with "SoulSilver."

    • 4

      Go to the Pokewalker menu and select "Pokeradar." Walk in one of the four patches of grass. Use the left button to weaken the Feebas and the center button to catch the Feebas. Since the Pokewalker is synced, the Feebas will automatically go to your PC in "SoulSilver." Feed the Feebas Beauty Poffins and it will evolve into a Milotic once it has a full Beauty stat.

    • 5

      Catch Rhyhorn at Victory Road. Train it until it evolves into Rhydon at Level 42. Give the Rhydon a Protector. Go to the bottom floor of any Pokemon Center. She will give you the "Little Red Code Book." Save your game and restart. Select the "Wi-Fi Connection" option on the main menu of "SoulSilver." Choose the "Search for Access Point" option. Enter the necessary information to set up your Wi-Fi Connection.

    • 6

      Set up the Wi-Fi Connection in a fourth generation Pokemon game. Go to the last floor of a Pokemon Center and talk to the lady behind the middle counter in "SoulSilver" and the fourth generation game. In the fourth generation game, offer a Pokemon for the Rhydon and accept the trade in both games. The Rhydon will evolve into a Rhyperior. In "SoulSilver," offer a Pokemon for the Rhyperior and accept the trade in both games.

    • 7

      Travel to Stark Mountain in "Pokemon Diamond," "Pokemon Pearl" or "Pokemon Platinum" and navigate to the last floor with a trainer. She will take the Magma Stone and leave. Head to her house in the Survival Area and speak to her. Return to the last floor of Stark Mountain and catch Heatran. Trade the Heatran from "Diamond," "Pearl" or "Platinum" to "SoulSilver."

    • 8

      Insert "Pokemon Sapphire" into the bottom slot of your Nintendo DS. Go to the main menu of "SoulSilver" and select the "Pal Park" option. Choose to transfer Regirock, Regice, Registeel and three Zigzagoon. Go to Route 221 and speak to the warden. He will give you 30 Pal Park Balls. Catch the six Pokemon with the Pal Park Balls in the Safari Zone. Put the three Legendary Pokemon in your party and go to temple, which is north of Snowpoint City. Catch Regigigas at level 70 on the last floor.

    • 9

      Go to Canalave Town. Speak to the family inside the house that is near the boat. The family will tell you about Full Moon Island. Speak to the sailor outside the home and he will take you there. Catch Cresselia on Full Moon Island at Level 50. © HT Games