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How to Fix the SoulSilver Crash

In "Pokemon: SoulSilver," temporary or recurring freezing and crashing can disrupt your protagonist's battles against trainers and wild Pokemon. Several circumstances can combine to create a crashing problem and players should rule out all possibilities before seeking replacement parts or systems. If problems persist after troubleshooting measures, Nintendo's Consumer Service Department can provide further assistance. If you purchased "Pokemon: SoulSilver" new within the last 90 days, Nintendo may offer a free replacement if the game continues to crash.


    • 1

      Examine the "SoulSilver" game pack for any evidence of damage or grime. The connector pins are vertical metal strips located on the back of the game. If these are damaged, bent or otherwise contaminated, purchase a replacement game.

    • 2

      Insert another game into your Nintendo DS and play it. If crashing only occurs in "SoulSilver," replace that game. If crashing occurs with multiple games, contact Nintendo's Consumer Service Department for assistance.

    • 3

      Start "SoulSilver" and examine the Pokemon in your PC and in your party. If you see "Bad Egg," "MissingNO" or another unfamiliar Pokemon name, immediately use the "Release" option to set them free. If you cannot release these glitch Pokemon, trade them to another game or start a new save file to permanently delete them from "SoulSilver." Cheat devices can cause these glitches to occur.

    • 4

      Check the accessories used with your Nintendo DS. Items not licensed by Nintendo may cause interference and crashing in "SoulSilver." Items licensed by Nintendo bear the official Nintendo seal on manuals, packaging and usually the product itself.

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      Examine your copy of "SoulSilver" for authenticity. The official Nintendo seal should appear on game packaging and manuals. Contact the retailer if you suspect that your game is counterfeit. Nintendo's Consumer Service Department can also provide assistance.

    • 6

      Place "SoulSilver" into a second Nintendo DS and turn on the system. If crashing problems continue, "SoulSilver" is defective. If crashing does not continue on a second system, the original Nintendo DS may need repairs. © HT Games