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Tricks for Final Fantasy Tactics A2

"Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift" is a tactical role-playing video game released in Japan 2007 and the United States the following year. The Nintendo DS title is part of the long running Final Fantasy series, which began in 1987. There are a selection of tricks and tips for this game.
  1. Attribute Boost

    • You receive three questions during Luso's Summer Journal, the game's prologue. Depending on the order of your answers, you can unlock different attributes for your clan. Answer in the order "B,B,B" to increase Power by one. Add an extra point to Speed by answering "B, C, A." For an extra Evade point, answer "B, A, A." Answer "B, A, B" or "B, B, A" to increase your Lucky and Experience skills by one respectively. The answer combination "B, B, A" increases Smash by one point.

    Get Espers

    • Espers in "Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift" are powerful creatures created by the gods. These can be summoned to aid you in battle, but you must first complete specific tasks to unlock them. Win the Jylland Cup to unlock the esper Exodus. To get the esper Famfrit, complete the Goug Cup. Complete the Graszton Cup for Adrammelech. Claim victory in the Loar Cup, Graszton Cup and The Fluorgis Cup to unlock the espers Chaos, Mateus and Hashmal respectively. For the esper Cuchulainn , win the Odalia Cup.

    Unlock Character Types

    • There are many character types in this game, but some need to be unlocked before you can use them. Complete the corresponding quests to receive a new character type. To unlock a Seer, complete the Cat's Meow. Finish the To be a Fighter quest and get the Fighter character type. Play through Green Dominion to get the Green Mage. Complete Knowing the Beast, Veis Assassin and The Nu Mou Nobles to unlock the Beastmaster, Assassin and Arcanist character classes, in that order. To get the Ravager character type, complete the quest of the same name.

    Acquiring a Chocobo

    • Head into Targ Wood in Greenfire with a chocobo knight. You will encounter a monster upon arrival. Fight it and you will have multiple enemies to defeat. Deal with these enemies in any order but with one exception; leave the chocobo to last. Fight the Chocobo until its health points are at the Critical level. Move the knight next to the creature and choose "Mount" when the option appears. The chocobo is now tamed and under your control. © HT Games