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How to Evolve Clamperl on Pokemon

Clamperl is a Water-type Pokemon introduced in "Pokemon Ruby" and "Sapphire." Clamperl can evolve into either Huntail or Gorebyss. To evolve Clamperl, you simply need to trade it while it is holding a certain item. The item depends on what Pokemon you want Clamperl to evolve into. To obtain Gorebyss, trade Clamperl while it is holding a DeepSeaTooth. To obtain Huntail, trade Clamperl while it is holding a DeepSeaScale.


    • 1

      Press "X" to bring up the options menu and select the "Items" option.

    • 2

      Select either the "DeepSeaTooth" or the "DeepSeaScale" from your bag and attach it to Clamperl.

    • 3

      Travel to any Pokemon Center and talk to the trade attendant to begin the trading process.

    • 4

      Connect your Nintendo DS to the other person's Nintendo DS and select Clamperl. Select "Confirm" to initiate the trade. Once Clamperl is traded, it will evolve. Have your partner trade it back to add it back to your party. © HT Games