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How to Get a Crobat on Pokemon Diamond

"Pokemon Diamond" is one of three fourth generation Pokemon games released by Nintendo. Many creatures in "Pokemon Diamond," such as Golbat, evolve by attaining maximum happiness instead of by reaching a certain level. Crobat is a bat-like Poison and Flying-type Pokemon that evolves from Golbat, who originally evolves from Zubat. Happiness Pokemon evolve once they attain 250 to 255 happiness points. There are many ways you can raise a Pokemon's happiness level.


    • 1

      Purchase 10 to 20 Pokeballs from any PokeMart. Go to any cave or one of the following routes: 203, 204, 206, 207, 208 and 209. Walk in long grass or through the cave until a wild Zubat attacks you. Use attacking moves, such as Surf, until the Zubat's hitpoints turn red. Throw Pokeballs at the Zubat until you catch it.

    • 2

      Use the Zubat to defeat various trainers and wild Pokemon. Train your Zubat until it is level 22; it will evolve into a Golbat. Give your Zubat a Lucky Egg to make it gain more experience points in less time.

    • 3

      Raise your Golbat's happiness to at least 250 points. Travel to Veilstone City and enter the house nearest to the gym. Make Golbat your lead Pokemon. Talk to the woman inside and she will give your Golbat a massage once every 24 hours. Keep the Golbat in your party and it will gain 10 happiness points for every 2,560 steps you take.

    • 4

      Avoid feeding your Golbat bitter foods like Revival Herbs and Energy Roots. Don't trade your Golbat or it will reset to 70 happiness points. Go to Eterna City's Pokemon Center and talk to the brown-haired girl inside. You will get a Pokétch app. Use the app and tap on the Golbat. Two big hearts indicate it has enough happiness points to evolve.

    • 5

      Go to one of the following locations: Route 214, Route 218, Route 224, Route 225, Route 230, Wayward Cave, Solaceon Ruins, Mt.Coronet or Victory Road. Use the Dowsing Machine in these areas and pick up any Pokeballs. You will find at least one Rare Candy at each of these locations. Use the Rare Candy on the Golbat to evolve it into a Crobat. © HT Games