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Double Team Chip List for Mega Man Battle Network 5

"Mega Man Battle Network 5: Double Team" is a Nintendo DS re-release of the two "Mega Man Battle Network 5" games, "Team Protoman" and "Team Colonel." "Double Team" combines both games onto one cartridge and lets players swap out characters from one game into the other. Battle chips are used in the game to give players special attacks and abilities. The chips are stored in folders of up to 30 chips that can be accessed during a battle. The game features three main types of chips -- standard, mega and giga -- and two categories of special chips -- secret and dark.
  1. Standard Chips

    • An unlimited number of standard type chips can be included in each folder. The Standard chips available in the game are: AirHock, AirShot, AirWheel 1, AirWheel 2, AirWheel 3, AntiAqua, AntiDmg, AntiElec, AntiFire, AntiNavi, AntiRecover, AntiSword, AntiWood, AreaGrab, Attack +10, Ball, Barrier, Barrier100, Barrier200, BatShot 1, BatShot 2, BatShot 3, BigTank 1, BigTank 2, BigTank 3, BlackBomb, Blinder, BodyBurn 1, BodyBurn 2, BodyBurn 3, Boomer, BoyBomb 1, BoyBomb 2, BoyBomb 3, BubbleWrap, BugBomb, BusterUp, Cannon, CircGun, ColorPoint, ComeOnRain, CopyDamage, CrackBomb, CurseShield 1, CurseShield 2, CurseShield 3, CustomBolt 1, CustomBolt 2, CustomBolt 3, CustomSword, DeathMatch 1, DeathMatch 2, DeathMatch 3, Discord, DoubleCrack, DrillArm 1, DrillArm 2, DrillArm 3, ElecReel 1, ElecReel 2, ElecReel 3, ElementalArm, EnergyBomb, Fan, Fanfare, Fastgauge, FirePunch 1, FirePunch 2, FirePunch 3, Geyser, GrabBnsh, GrabRvng, GrassSeed, Guard 1, Guard 2, Guard 3, GunSol 1, GunSol 2, GunSol 3, HiCannon , HolyPanel, IceSeed, InazumaKing 1, InazumaKing 2, InazumaKing 3, Invis, Kunai 1, Kunai 2, Kunai 3, Lance, LifeSynchro, LongBlade, LongSword, MagmaSeed, Magnum, MarkCannon 1, MarkCannon 2, MarkCannon 3, MegaCannon, MegEnBomb, Metagel, Meteors 1, Meteors 2, Meteors 3, Mine, MiniBomb, MudTsunamiBall, Navi +20, NoiseStorm, Northwind, OceanSeed, PanelGrab, PanelOut, PanelReturn, ParalyzeBomb, Quake 1, Quake 2, Quake 3, Recover10, Recover120, Recover150, Recover200, Recover30, Recover300, Recover50, Recover80, RedFruit 1, RedFruit 2, RedFruit 3, RedTsunamiBall, ResetBomb, RockCube, SabotenBall 1, SabotenBall 2, SabotenBall 3, SamuraiSword 1, SamuraiSword 2, SamuraiSword 3, Satellite 1, Satellite 2, Satellite 3, SideBubble 1, SideBubble 2, SideBubble 3, Silence, SkullChain 1, SkullChain 2, SkullChain 3, Slasher, Slowgauge, Snake, Spreader, Sword, Thunder, TimeBomb 1, TimeBomb 2, TimeBomb 3, Timpani, Tornado, TripleCrack, TsunamiBall, VarSword, VDoll, Vulcan 1, Vulcan 2, Vulcan 3, WaterTornado 1, WaterTornado 2, WaterTornado 3, WideBlade, WideShot 1, WideShot 2, WideShot 3, WideSword, Wind, WindRacket, WoodyNose 1, WoodyNose 2, WoodyNose 3 and Yoyo.

    Mega Chips

    • Only five mega chips can be placed in a folder at one time. The mega battle chips are: Anubis, Attack +30, BlackWing, Blizzardman, Blizzardman DS, Blizzardman SP, Blues, Blues DS, Blues SP, BugFix, Cloudman, Cloudman DS, Cloudman SP, Colonel, Colonel DS, Colonel SP, Cosmoman, Cosmoman DS, Cosmoman SP, Django D, Django DS, Django SP, DoublePoint, Footman, Footman DS, Footman SP, FullCust, Guardian, Gyroman, Gyroman DS, Gyroman SP, Jealousy, JusticeOne, Knightman, Knightman DS, Knightman SP, LifeAura, Magnetman, Magnetman DS, Magnetman SP, Medi, Medi DS, Medi SP, Muramasa, Napalmman, Napalmman DS, Napalmman SP, NeoVarSword, Numberball, Numberman, Numberman DS, Numberman SP, Poltergeist, Roll, Roll DS, Roll SP, Sanctuary, Searchman, Searchman DS, Searchman SP, Shademan, Shademan DS, Shademan SP, Shadowman, Shadowman DS, Shadowman SP, ShotStar, SuperVulcan, Swallowman, Swallowman DS, Swallowman SP, Toadman, Toadman DS, Toadman SP, Tomahawkman, Tomahawkman DS, Tomahawkman SP and Z-Saber.

    Giga Chips

    • Only one giga chip can be placed in each folder. The giga chips available in the game are: BugCharge, BugCurse, CrossSlash, DeathPhoenix, DeltaRayEdge, Forte, ForteAnother, GiantHook, HolyDream, MeteoKnuckle, OmegaRocket and Phoenix.

    Secret and Dark Chips

    • Secret chips count as either a mega or giga chip when placed in a folder. There are only five secret chips available in the game: Otenko, GunSolEX, LeadersRaid, NebulaGrey and Final Gun. Dark chips can be placed in each folder. Using a dark chip will permanently decrease your maximum hit points by one. The dark chips available are: DarkAttack+, DarkCircGun, DarkDrill, DarkInvis, DarkLance, DarkMeteors, DarkRecover, DarkSound, DarkSword, DarkThunder, DarkTornado and DarkWideShot. © HT Games