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How to Get a Silver Wing in Pokemon SoulSilver

"Pokemon: SoulSilver" for the Nintendo DS features plenty of locations to find, fight and capture Pokemon, as well as useful items that will expand the scope of this 2010 title. The silver wing is such an item, as it opens up new areas such as Lugia, but you must win a series of battles against members of Team Rocket to get it. These battles take place in the Goldenrod Radio Tower.


    • 1

      Enter the Goldenrod Radio Tower and head up to the third floor.

    • 2

      Enter a door with your key card. A rocket grunt will challenge you, but this first battle should be easy.

    • 3

      Go up the stairs to the next floor, where you will encounter a Team Rocket executive called Proton. This battle will likely prover tougher, as you must defeat two higher-level Pokemon. Beat Golbat with Electric, Ice or Psychic moves. Psychic works best against Weezing.

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      Move up another set of stairs and go toward the lift. You will be challenged by another Team Rocket executive named Ariana. Take out the first Pokemon, Arbok, with Psychic or Surf attacks. Use Ice and Flying moves against Vileplume. Ice, Electric and Fighting moves work best against Murkrow.

    • 5

      Heal your characters before progressing. Ride the lift to the top of the building. You will see the Team Rocket boss, Archer. Walk up to him to start a battle.

    • 6

      Defeat Archer and his Pokemon with a variety of attacks. Houndour is best defeated with Surf moves. Use Surf or Psychic attacks against Koffing. The final Pokemon in this battle, Houndoom, can mount big attacks on your characters, so heal when possible. Beat Houndoom with Fighting moves. You will receive the Silver Wing after winning this battle. © HT Games