Use Flying-type attacks, such as Fly, or Fire-type attacks, such as Flamethrower, to knock out Aaron's Dustox, Heracross, Vespiquen and Beautifly.
Attack Aaron's Drapion with a Ground-type attack, such as Earthquake.
Knock out Bertha's Quagsire, Whiscash, Sudowoodo, Hippowdon and Golem with a Grass-type attack, such as Energy Ball.
Use a Water-type attack, such as Surf, to defeat Flint's Rapidash, Infernape and Steelix.
Attack Drifblim with an Electric-type attack, such as Thunder.
Knock out Lopunny with a Fighting-type attack, such as Close Combat.
Use Dark-type attacks, such as Crunch, to defeat Mr. Mime, Girafarig and Alakazam.
Defeat Medicham with the same Flying-type attack you used to defeat most of Aaron's team.
Attack Bronzong with your strongest Fire-type attack, such as Fire Blast.