Track Latios on the Pokedex by researching its current location after you encounter him for the first time. Latios wanders the lands at random in "Pokemon SoulSilver," but he can be made to appear if you take an Enigma Crystal to Pewter City in "Pokemon HeartGold."
Save the game once you are in the area that Latios is currently resting in. Catching Latios without a Master Ball can be difficult and may take many tries.
Hammer away at Latios with attack types that he is weak to. Being a Dragon and Psychic Pokemon, Latios is weak to Bug, Ghost, Ice, Dragon and Dark type attacks. Continue to hurt Latios until his heath meter turns red. As his health meter turns from green to orange, use less powerful attacks to prevent your Pokemon from accidentally defeating Latios.
Use status altering moves on Latios to give your Pokeball a higher chance to catch the Eon Pokemon. Experiment with attacks that paralyze, freeze and cause Latios to fall asleep, such as Sleep Powder, Ice Punch and Lick. Avoid burning or poisoning Latios, as the damage he would take each turn may knock him out.
Experiment with different types of Pokeballs to capture Latios. Since the perfect Master Ball is not an option, some of the better Pokeballs to use are Ultra Balls, Timer Balls and Heavy Balls. Ultra Balls are the standard heavy-duty Pokeballs, while Heavy Balls work well when catching bulky Pokemon such as the 132lb Latios. If the battle drags on for a while, start using Timer Balls as their catch rate improves as the battle continues.