Complete all of the missions for the American campaign. In general, missions throughout the game are either survivor missions that last for a certain period of time, destroyer missions that wipe out all enemies within a time limit or defender missions that protect against enemies for the allotted time. Completing the American story missions unlocks the tanks U.S. forces use in the missions throughout the game, such as the M4 Sherman.
Complete the German campaign missions. Like the American missions, moving through the stage of the German campaign open up more unique tanks for use, such as the Panzer models used in World War II. The newly unlocked tanks vary in power and speed.
Complete the Soviet story missions. Russian story mode unlocks tanks used by the Soviet Union during the missions of the game, including the T-37a amphibious tank, which comes in handy for maps that feature water.
Move onto the free mode to continue collecting tanks, once you complete the story mode missions. Play through the free mode versions of the level. Free mode allows players to go back into each stage that has been completed and play through again to best their previous attempts. Complete certain free mode and total mission objectives to unlock additional tanks.