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How to Finish the Reverse Courses in Swordplay

Learn how to finish the reversed courses in the swordplay "Showdown" on "Wii Sports Resort" if you have finished the volcano level. "Wii Sports Resort" is a game for Nintendo Wii that features several mini games. One of the swordplay games, "Showdown" pits the player against hoards of sword-wielding opponents. After you have finished the volcano level, you can play the original courses in reverse. Using proper technique is vital on these reverse courses, because they are much harder when played in reverse. Understand how to use blocking and how to anticipate an attack to succeed on the reverse courses in "Showdown."


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      Keep watching the opponent that currently has a heart or multiple hearts over i tshead. Although many enemies surround you on "Showdown," only one attacks at a time, and this is the one with the heart over its head. Remember, you can attack more than one opponent at once, they just won't attack you. For example, if an opponent has one or more other opponents to its left, strike the adversary horizontally from the right-hand side to knock it into the other opponents. Use this method to deal with multiple enemies at once.

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      Hold down the "B" button to hold your sword defensively. Defending is particularly important on the reverse courses, because the opponents are more difficult to defeat. The "B" button is at the top of the Wii remote on the back side; it is the "trigger" button on the remote. Hold "B" and angle your Wii remote so your sword forms a cross (X) with your opponent's. Use the side of your sword to block attacks by opponents. Opponents are stunned momentarily after you block them.

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      Watch for your opponent drawing its sword back. The automated opponents noticeably draw their swords back before attacking. Remember to focus only on the opponent with the heart over its head. Keep your sword in defensive position so that the strike will connect with the side of your sword. If the opponent pulls its sword directly backward before striking, hold yours horizontally in preparation.

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      Attack quickly when you get the opportunity to. As the difficulty increases on the reversed courses, attacking with speed is vital. If your opponent isn't assuming a logical defensive position (its sword isn't crossed with yours, but it isn't attacking), you may be able to sneak in an attack. Aim your strike so it connects with an exposed part of the adversary's body. If your opponent blocks your attack, press and hold "B" immediately and assume a defensive position.

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      Block an attack before attacking your opponent. This can require patience, on occasion, but the increased difficulty makes it much more difficult to land a strike in normal circumstances. Wait for your opponent to attack, block its strike and return with an immediate counter-attack. Your opponents don't defend themselves after being blocked, so strike quickly and you will connect. © HT Games