The Perfect Team
"Pokemon Battle Revolution" will not connect to the Game Boy Advance, meaning your "Ruby" and "Sapphire" are seemingly outdated. Don't worry, as you can still craft your team for "Pokemon Battle Revolution" regardless. Transferring will be covered in other sections. Choose your top six Pokemon and train or teach them the skills you desire and need for a balanced team and a tactical advantage. Pay attention to Pokemon type and aim for diversity. Going against a Pokemon who is immune to your attacks can result in a loss.
Getting Your DS Going
Turn on your Nintendo DS and open your "Pokemon Pearl" or "Diamond" edition. Follow the in-game prompts to begin to transfer Pokemon. While "Sapphire" and "Ruby" editions can't transfer down, you can transfer up. Once all your Pokemon are in your "Pearl" and "Diamond" games, you can get them on over to "Pokemon Battle Revolution" for the Nintendo Wii, all while still filling up your "Pokemon Pearl" Pokedex with a few more monsters.
Revoloution Time
The Nintendo DS made use of wireless connectivity, opening up a wide variety of options previous games like "Sapphire" and "Ruby" couldn't have. Turn on the Wii and start up "Pokemon Battle Revolution." Using the Wi-Fi adapter, transfer your "Sapphire" and "Ruby" team via "Pokemon Pearl" and "Diamond" into "Pokemon Battle Revolution."
General Specifications
The Game Boy Advance does not directly connect with "Pokemon Battle Revolution," so have the next-generation console and game in order to get it working. While this can be expensive and time-consuming, consider asking a friend to borrow her Nintendo DS and "Pokemon Pearl" games, as you need the DS only as a transferring machine. You need not actually play the game, just reformat your team for the Wii's specifications.