Connect the Nunchuk to the Wiimote. In most games using the Nunchuk, you hold the remote in your right hand and the Nunchuk in your left; in "Rebel Raiders," reverse this, holding the Nunchuk in your right.
Tilt or move the Nunchuk to move the plane, and use the Control Stick to perform a roll. Press the "B" button on the Wiimote -- the trigger -- to accelerate, and the "A" button to brake.
Fire your weapons with the two buttons on the Nunchuk -- the "Z" button for your primary weapon, and the "C" button for guns.
Press on the directional pad to reload.
Press the Wiimote's "-" button to toggle Special Weapon Mode on and off. When in Special Weapon Mode, press "C" to fire special weapons.
Press the "+" button to pause the game.