Things You'll Need
Streaming Media using Orb
Download Orb to your computer (see Resources). When you set up your account with Orb, the program will scan your PC for photos, music and video files.
Follow the setup instructions and prompts to set up your Orb account. Once complete, your media will be made available via Orb.
Point your Wii browser to the Orb MyCast page, and log in to access and stream your media.
Streaming Media Using Wiisic
Download Wiisic (see Resources). This will consist of one java file; open this file once the download is complete.
Configure your Wiisic settings by selecting your music folder, and selecting the style of player you wish to use. You can also change what port the program uses, but this is typically not necessary; if you need to change the port the program will tell you.
Click "Launch Server" to get the address for your media.
Input the displayed address (it should look something like "") in your Wii's Internet browser.
Streaming Media Using Wii Media Center X
Download Wii Media Center X for your computer (see Resources). The server is multiplatform and should run on Windows, Mac and Linux systems without issue.
Move the files that you wish to stream to the appropriate folders; videos will need to be located in "C:\Program Files\Red Kawa\Media Center\software\Video\videos," while music should be in the "C:\Program Files\Red Kawa\Media Center\software\Music\music," and pictures in "C:\Program Files\Red Kawa\Media Center\software\Pictures\images."
Start the program on your computer. You should be given an IP and a port, such as "" Direct your Wii's Internet browser to this address to pull up the server and access your files.