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How to Obtain the Portal to Uldum in World of Warcraft

The Uldum zone, located on the southern tip of the Kalimdor continent, was one of several added to "World of Warcraft" with the "Cataclysm" expansion. Because of its out-of-the-way placement, a portal to Uldum exists in both the Alliance capital of Stormwind and the Horde capital of Orgrimmar. Before this portal becomes active, however, you need to complete the first few steps of the Uldum quest line.


    • 1

      Accept either the "Warchief's Command: Uldum!" quest from one of the Warchief's command boards in Orgrimmar, if you're Horde, or the "Hero's Call: Uldum!" from one of the hero's call boards in Stormwind, if you're Alliance. To be able to do this, you need to be at least level 84.

    • 2

      Travel to Thistleshrub Valley in Tanaris. The exact location you need to be in is marked on your map.

    • 3

      Speak with Adarrah, complete the quest and accept the follow-up quest, called "Easy Money."

    • 4

      Interact with the camel called "Lady Humps." Doing this triggers a cinematic. After the cinematic ends, you find yourself locked in a cage.

    • 5

      Speak with Adarrah and complete the quest. She unlocks the cage for you and you are attacked by a Neferset jailer, who you need to defeat.

    • 6

      Speak with prince Nadun, who is chained to a wall nearby, and accept the "Traitors!" quest.

    • 7

      Mount up on your flying mount, fly up to the central building of the area you find yourself in and interact with the potted plant located on the ledge. Doing this triggers a cinematic.

    • 8

      Fly back to prince Nadun once the cinematic is over. Turn in the quest to him and accept the two new quests he has to offer, "Kavem the Callous" and "Smoke in Their Eyes." Speak to Budd, who is located in a nearby cage, and accept the quest "Budd's Plan."

    • 9

      Complete the quests by defeating Kavem the Callous, gathering Neferset armor and setting bales of hay on fire with the provided torch.

    • 10

      Return to prince Nadun and Budd and turn in the three quests. Once you have done this, prince Nadun offers you a new quest, called "Escape from the Lost City."

    • 11

      Accept the quest. Doing this triggers a cinematic. Once the cinematic is over, you find yourself in Ramkahen.

    • 12

      Speak to king Phaoris and turn in the quest. The portal to Uldum from your faction's capital city is now active. © HT Games