Player Starter Room
Each player is given an in-game room for his monster. As the game starts, this room is visible only to the player who owns it, and is hidden to any other players. The room remains hidden to other players until the player adds friends, thereby making it visible.
Unlocking Secret Room Additions
You can add rooms one at a time, but this option is hidden if you don't yet have enough Rox -- the in-game currency -- to purchase new rooms. You can visit the "New Houses!" store located on Ooh La Lane to see if the room additions are available. If you haven't accumulated the necessary Rox to buy the room, you are prompted to come back when you have the needed Rox to purchase new rooms.
Locating Other Rooms
You cannot see any secret rooms except for your own until you use the "Add a New Friend" tool or accepts friend requests from the Friends Tree. Add friends by typing in the exact Monster Owner name into the "Add a New Friend" field on the Friends Tree, then clicking "Add Friend" when the player is located. Friend requests from others appear in the Friends Tree; to add these friends, click on the Friends Tree and then on "Confirm" when the tree shakes an exclamation point loose.
Rating Other Rooms
Once you've added other Monster Owners as friends, all of the formerly secret rooms owned by you become visible and ratable. When visiting one of the other Monster Owners rooms, you can click on a star grid to give the room a rating from one to five stars. Room rating helps other players earn in-game rewards like Rox. Each room can be rated only once per day.