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Help for Cartographer Waypoint

Blizzard's massively multiplayer online role-playing game ̶0;World of Warcraft̶1; is often staggering in scope. At the time of publication, this virtual fantasy world has more than 11 million subscribers ̵1; more people than the population of Cuba ̵1; and encompasses roughly 1,400 locations. Cartographer, known for its Waypoints feature, serves as a free add-on ̵1; or ̶0;mod̶1; ̵1; for ̶0;WoW̶1; that helps players navigate the realm of Azeroth.
  1. What Does Cartographer Do?

    • Cartographer provides ̶0;WoW̶1; players with a full map of the land of Azeroth, revealing even its unexplored areas. This map displays flight point locations and the locations of vendors and trainers. It also indicates the locations of quest givers and categorizes quests as available, completed or repeatable. Additionally, Cartographer shows the location of mining vein spawns.

    How to Use Waypoints

    • To use Waypoints in Cartographer, enter the main map screen. Right-click any note on the main map and select ̶0;Use as Waypoint̶1; ̵1; this means that Cartographer will now direct you to the chosen area. Back in the game, your ̶0;WoW̶1; character will have a bright red arrow over his head that points in the direction you must go to reach your destination. Below the arrow, yellow numbers display the distance from your destination in yards. Once you're within five yards of the destination, the Waypoint automatically disappears. You can make Waypoints disappear sooner by right-clicking the Waypoint on the main map.

    How to Get Cartographer and Waypoints

    • Before you can use Cartographer or its Waypoints feature, you must download and install the mod. Because Cartographer was originally released in 2007, it is no longer at the forefront of downloadable ̶0;WoW̶1; mods. However, ̶0;WoW̶1; archive websites, such as ̶0;WoW̶1; Interface ( offer the mod for free download. The Waypoints feature is an add-on for Cartographer and is available as free plug-in for Cartographer at similar sites.

    How to Use Zone Info

    • Zone Info is another key feature of Cartographer. To use Zone Info, simply hover the mouse cursor over any location on the map. Useful information about the zone will appear, including zone levels and available instances. This feature also displays the levels of the instances and the recommended number of players for completing the instance.

    Other Tips

    • Hover the mouse cursor over any area of the map, and Cartographer displays the coordinates and distance from your ̶0;WoW̶1; character to the location of the cursor in addition to Zone Info. When using a flying mount with the Waypoint system, press the runlock key when your arrow is pointing straight ahead, and you'll be on autopilot. © HT Games