Host or participate in a fashion show. You earn experience points while hosting if you stay until the end of the event, and if you get enough points you'll go up a level. Become a premium member of "Fantage" and you'll automatically go up 15 levels.
Invite friends to become members of "Fantage." If they play for one hour, you'll go up one level. Complete all of the game missions to earn experience points. Join the pinata bash and get points for hitting the pinata.
Click on the party icon at the top of the screen to host a party. Click "Buy" to purchase a party, and then invite whoever you'd like to attend, or just leave it open to all members. You receive experience points for hosting and attending parties.
Join the comet contests for a chance to go up a few levels. Give stickers away to your friends or accept stickers from them to get points. Get a high score on any of the mini games to gain points. You can also choose a server with less traffic to increase your chance of holding the high score.