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Another Way to Escape From the Cage Trap in Club Penguin in the EPF Test

"Club Penguin" is an online game site that combines adventure and puzzle challenges. Player can get missions from numerous non-player characters, and they can also join factions to get exclusive quests. The Elite Penguin Force (EPF) is a faction that trains the player to become a secret agent. In order to join the EPF, the player must complete a series of four tests; the final test is to escape from a cage trap. One solution is to throw a snowball at the power box, but this only nets you 90 out of 100 points. The real solution is to not enter the trap in the first place.


    • 1

      Proceed through the first three tests. Once you've completed them, the pillar in the top left corner will retract into the ceiling, revealing a blue button. The command screen tells you to stand on the button. If you do so, the cage trap will trigger.

    • 2

      Wait a few seconds. The command screen will change its message, insisting that you step onto the blue button. Continue waiting. After a few more seconds, the command screen will congratulate you for not falling into a trap.

    • 3

      Walk into the door in the top right corner to enter the EPF command center. © HT Games